Thursday 12 December 2024 (19:30 -20:45)
126 Hampton Road, Redland
Join us on Thursday 12th of December to investigate and contemplate the Buddhist teachings on 'The Three Poisons'.
In the depiction of the Wheel of Life, the three poisons are represented by the rooster, the pig, and the snake which symbolise craving, ignorance and aversion respectively. It is said that it is these three poisons that keep us locked in the vicious cycle of samsara or suffering and that understanding and observing these habitual patterns within our own minds is the key to liberation.
After a period of sitting medication, Nick Shutler will be giving a short talk followed by a contemplation and discussion.
The talk will take place at the Thursday evening Open House from 7.30 to 8 45 pm on 21 November at the Quakers Meeting House, 126 Hampton Road, Redland, BS6 6JE – you’re welcome to come online or in person
To join online click this link
Meditation instruction is offered for new meditators.
A donation to help support us would be welcome. £5 is suggested, or whatever is affordable for you.
There is no requirement to register whether attending in person or on Zoom but if you would like to donate, please click on "Register". You will be sent an email with our bank details. You will only need to do this once [then you will have the details]